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Stephans Site


13.10.2015 - Dienstag


07:30 PM

Close to the Floor

Cape Breton square dancing is something we take for granted, but like any other tradition, its survival requires careful attention. Fileanta is a newly-formed group of dancers originating at the Gaelic College. Embodying the true essence of Gaelic dance tradition, they’re on a mission to showcase some of the many unique sets from the different regions of Cape Breton. Supporting them all the way will be Nuallan, a vibrant pipe group, also out of the Gaelic College, who are determined to keep a connection between the pipes and dance. Adding to the authenticity of tonight’s concert will be one of Cape Breton’s most respected step dancers Harvey Beaton, The Mabou 8 Hand Reel Dancers, Mary Jane Lamond with some puirt à beul, and Kinnon and Betty Lou Beaton, two of our finest dance players. Hosted by Chestico Museum & Historical Society

Strathspey Place - 11156 Highway 19, Mabou, NS, Canada

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